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Practice Note #5 –
Interpretation Service

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1. Purpose

The purpose of this Practice Note is to explain the procedure to follow when a party requests interpretation services in one of the official languages or any other language for the purpose of participating in the hearing.

2. Background

Rule 8 of the Rules of the Review Tribunal (Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal) provides that communications and the hearing are conducted in the official language chosen by the applicant. This section also provides that the parties may request interpretation services to participate in the hearing or to present a testimony in one of the official languages.

3. Statement

The party that requires interpretation services in one of the official languages must advise the Tribunal in writing at least seven days before the hearing. The Tribunal provides and covers the costs for interpretation services in both official languages.

The party that requests interpretation services in a language other than English or French must advise the Tribunal at least 30 days before the hearing and must cover the costs. Coordination and organization of such a request must be done in collaboration with the Tribunal.

4. Approval

Practice Note #5 is approved by the Tribunal’s Chairperson on September 28th, 2020.

Luc Belanger signature

Luc Bélanger
Canada Agricultural Review Tribunal